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Adult Pet Care

If you want your pet to beat the average age and live a better quality of life, then follow this simple advice below to help your pet live a happy, healthy life.

 We estimate that by following this advice, you could help your pet live an additional five years compared to pet owners who do not follow these simple rules. 

1. Choose A Quality Diet For Your Pet

We are what we eat, we've all heard the phrase and it's just as important for pets as it is for people. The problem is that with so many diet choices available it can be hard to pick out the right diet for your pet.

Watch this video for Dr Hannah's advice on what food to give your pet each day for maximum health benefits.

2. Prevent Parasites

We may live in the vast city of London, and you might think that parasite problems don't happen in the concrete jungle. But you'd be wrong. London hosts four parasites in fleas, worms, heartworm, fox mange and even occasionally ticks.


Learn how to keep your pet safe in this short video.

3. Vaccinations - The Truth

The internet has allowed so many fear-based myths to spread and this has lead to people thinking that it's OK not to vaccinate their pets.


We want to be very clear on this. Vaccines are necessary, for the most part safe and animals that are vaccinated live longer, happier and healthier lives than those who are not vaccinated. 

4. Prevent Dental Disease

Dental Disease will happen to your pet and chances are it will happen early. The answer? Brush your pet's teeth and have a dental wellbeing assessment every six months. 
We offer London's best value dental wellbeing program. When it comes to teeth, prevention is so much better (and cheaper) than cure. 


Live Forever - An essential guide to pet wellness by Dr Dave Nicol

Want your pet to live longer? In this book you'll learn the mistakes pet owners make and how to avoid these errors that result in diseases. Dr Dave makes recommendations that you can easily follow which are proven to help your pet live longer & save a fortune on vet bills.

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